Training Travel

Angels’ ski trip 2008

I have put together a video of the footage taken… Pictures will be available shortly. It was some serious high altitude training that paid off in the championship!


Angels Squash Open 2008 – 8th and 9th Feb 2008

It is time for the annual Angels Squash Open again.

Venue: Top Squash
Date: 8th and 9th February 2008
Start time: 18.30 Friday / 11.00 Saturday
Entry fee: 20 EUR incl. Saturday Buffet Lunch
Categories: A/B, C/D & Ladies

To enter please send an e-mail with your name,
contact number and FLSR ranking to

Alternatively, you can sign up directly at Top Squash.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Invitation 2008

Player info

Arlon tournament the 5 & 6 October 2007

Arlon organises a squash tournament for all levels on the aforementioned dates. You are encouraged to participate. It would be good practice for the championship!

More information at their web site:

Facts of life Member affairs


Good news from the Mayaux family! New addition to the Angels team! Katya was born on the 5th August. 3,2 kg and 50 cm. Congratulations to Véronique and Dimitri. We wish you all the best 🙂


AGM 2007

Plenty of good news! The club had an successful dinner to finish off the season last week and tonight the AGM was held.

First off, the club is very likely to have its first ladies team! Welcome to you all. We have also confirmed several new male members, so we should be able to put up the three men’s teams and the ladies’ team without too much hassle.

Secondly, the rule change regarding whether or not to restrein the number of non-resident players to two per team for clubs based in Luxembourg, it was decided to support the change.

Finally thanks again to you all for making it an enjoyable season once again. Richard will post the minutes of the AGM later.

Misc Web/Tech

Happy Easter

The new web site is slowly but surely getting there. Our web design team hasn’t had much time to work on it, but at least to photo gallery is up and running. We will try to make more content available there. Any comments would be welcome.

Please note that you can pick up a feed on the posts and/or the comments on the site should you so wish.

The AGM will be held sometime in May. Further details will follow.


Angels Squash Open 2007

The Angels Squash Open 2007 took place on Friday and Staurday 9-10 February with more than 50 participants.

Danny Hutchines took the title in the A competition beating Patrick Willame 3-0 in the final. Please find the rest of the results below:

We extend our thanks to Top Squash for hosting the event.

Keep your eye out for further competitions which are coming up in the following months (Arlon, Bastogne and TopSquash). There will also be a Dexia tournament organised in April but we are awaiting details on that one.