Facts of life Player info


As some of you might know, Dimitri turned 40!!! last Monday. Some of us met with him on Wednesday after the game to celebrate 🙂
He has know joined the growing number of members above 40!

Dimitri at 40Dimitri

AngelsJonathan presenting Dimitri a voucher for a new racket.

Some Angels enjoying some food and wine.

[composed and posted with ecto]

Relayed info


Congratulations to the Luxembourg men and ladies on taking double gold in the European Small Nations’ squash tournament, that took place last week!
More information on the Federation’s web site.


Refereeing and marking

As you all know, you are encouraged to the referee and mark your games when you play in the championships. As an appetizer for the new season, we have therefore put a page together with some of the tips and ideas from a refereeing course given by Nathan
some time ago.

The page is located on top under the title Reffing.

Feel free to leave feedback or add your comments on what is missing!

Word from the President

New season approaching!

Yes, it is that time of the year again. The new season will be upon us very soon now. The Angels Squash Club will enter with 3 teams this season. We have seen a few players leave, but also some new players joining our club. Welcome to you and all the best to the players leaving the Angels.
Pre-season training will start on the 30 August. Keith and Richard will keep you posted on the exact schedule.
To another good squash season!

Relayed info Word from the President

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Before the final match of the year, which takes place tomorrow, allow me to wish all the Angels’ players as well as our fellow participants in the Luxembourgish team championship a Merry Christmas and a Happy Year.

Also don’t forget the New Year’s tournament organised by our friends in Ettelbruck on the 7th January. Entry form and information on their web site.

Looking forward to some good squash matches in 2006!

Info Tournaments

FSL individual championship 2 and 3 december 2005

We have received the invitation for the FSL individual championships organised ny the Federation on the 2 and 3 December. You may sign up via e-mail to

  • George Kieffer (gkieffer at
  • Nathan Sneyd (nathan at
  • Marcel Kramer (marcel.kramer at

or alternatively via the list posted at Top Squash.

Deadline for entries is the 28 November

Facts of life Info

A new Willame

Congratulations to Patrick and his wife on the birth of their daughter 🙂
UPDATE: Her name is Morane; weight: 3,7 kg and height: 54,5 cm!