Committee news Squash

Angels tournament

Not many details so far, but The Angels Squash Club is proud to announce that we will hold a squash tournament in late September. Tournament organiser is , whom you may already contact, if you wish to be on the notification list. The tournament will be a good warm-up before the new season kicks off. More information will follow, so stay tuned!

[composed and posted with ecto]

Committee news

Committee meeting

Just for your information, we held a brief meeting yesterday evening. The main
topics were the following:

1. Wayne Panton will be leaving the Angels SC (and Luxembourg!) in November.
Within the committee, Wayne is currently the club Treasurer. It was proposed
that Jonathan Hill take over this responsibility and this proposition was
unanimously accepted.
2. In light of the above point and considering that we currently do not have a
critical mass of the 20 players we had hoped for, it was decided that the 4th
team would be withdrawn from the 2004/2005 season. The Federation has been
informed of this decision.

The captains’ meeting will be held on Sept 29th, after which we will have the
schedule of matches etc. We will then be requesting your availability for the
coming weeks/months in order to establish the teams.

Committee news

Preparatory meeting

The committee met tonight in order to set up for the new season. Richard will provide proper minutes of the meeting, but I just want to tell you af couple of things straight away:

  1. It was decided to agree to the two propositions for changes of tournament rules
  2. Players are requested to indicate their availability for the season
  3. Should this be approved, we will probably launch a fourth team this year
  4. We will contact our sponsors to have a status of their commitment for the imminent season
  5. The training sessions will be organised in a more rigorous manner, i.e. exercises will scheduled beforehand so that you don’t just end up playing a friendly game Wink
  6. Next Monday will contain a photo session, so please bring your shirts and shorts in order for us to take pictures of the team for the web site, sponsors etc.

Hope to see you on Monday!

AGM Committee news

AGM Minutes

The Minutes from the AGM are available. Please have a read and let us have your comments, if any. Thanks.

Committee news

Committee Minutes

Minutes Committee Meeting

Attached are the minutes of the committee meeting held on 17th September. Since then we have received the sad news crap.gif that Tony will no longer be playing for us. However, the good news is that he will soon be a daddy and he paid for all the drinks at Bacano’s the other night!! What a chum!!