AGM Results Word from the President

Great season 2007/2008

We have completed a very successful season. First team finished third in the National Division, which is the best result in the club’s history! Well done!

Second team managed to move up partly thanks to the availability of the third team players, which also did well!

Minutes of the AGM will be posted shortly. 


AGM 2007

Plenty of good news! The club had an successful dinner to finish off the season last week and tonight the AGM was held.

First off, the club is very likely to have its first ladies team! Welcome to you all. We have also confirmed several new male members, so we should be able to put up the three men’s teams and the ladies’ team without too much hassle.

Secondly, the rule change regarding whether or not to restrein the number of non-resident players to two per team for clubs based in Luxembourg, it was decided to support the change.

Finally thanks again to you all for making it an enjoyable season once again. Richard will post the minutes of the AGM later.