
Results 12th October

A perfect evening !!

ANG1 beat ARL2 4-0 (12-?)
Patrick won 3-?
Danny won 3-1
Mikael won 3-1
Keith won 3-2

ANG2 beat ARL3 4-0 (12-2)
Jess won 3-0
Dimitri won 3-0
Eric G won 3-2
Eric M won 3-0

ANG3 beat ETT3 4-0 (12-2)
Richard won 3-1
Jonny won 3-1
Alejandro won 3-0
no 4th player for ETT3

Next week’s matches are as follows:
LL1 v ANG1
No game for ANG2

Don’t forget this weekend is the Angels Open at TopSquash. Even if you aren’t playing, try and come along as it should be a memorable event !!

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